Choosing Non Shedding Hypoallergenic Large Dogs

By Amy Perry

Owning a pet is an experience that everyone deserves the opportunity to have. Sadly, for many people - especially those who suffer from allergies - this is something that has always seemed like an impossibility. Thankfully, there are several different breeds of non shedding hypoallergenic large dogs from which these in individuals can choose.

When a person is allergic to canines, it is not the actual dog that they are having a reaction to, but the dander that it produces when it sheds. When this factor is removed or reduced, these individuals can actually tolerate being around the pups without any issue. Most people are under the impression that only small breeds fit this category, but there are several larger ones as well.

The first of the larger breeds that comes to mind when thinking about allergy free options is the Standard Poodle. With a coat that hardly ever loses strands, is curly, densely packed, and thick, they are wonderful - requiring only occasional professional grooming to stay well maintained. Other appealing features are their extreme intelligence and loyalty.

The statuesque Airedale Terrier is another favorite breed choice for people with allergies who like their canines on the larger side. They have a very unique feature - a double coat consisting of soft, downy fur on the underside, and a coarse top layer that needs to be stripped by hand annually to remain clean. This type of dog is also incredibly disciplined and intelligent, serving as rodent hunters and police canines throughout history.

Far bigger than the miniatures but equally as wonderful, are the allergy friendly Giant Schnauzers. They have practically no dander production but to keep their fur looking neat and clean, it needs regular brushing, frequent trims, and to be hand stripped about once a month. An ample amount of exercise is a must for these animals who make wonderful guardians who are extremely protective of their human family.

The impressively sized Komondors are a type of sheepdog that bares a remarkable resemblance to the flock of animals they traditionally tend. They feature a coat of easy maintenance, coarse dreadlocks that require absolutely no brushing and only infrequent trims. The biggest grooming need is that their thick corded fur is completely white, which had to be washed often and go through a long drying cycle in order to stay clean.

The Irish Water Spaniel is the largest of its type and they are easy on the allergies, fun loving, energetic, easily trained, and eager to please their humans. Their distinguishing features include webbed feet and a waterproof coat that is perfect for a dog that is appropriately named for its love of swimming. They have thick curls that do not shed, but require weekly brushing and regular trims to keep it neat.

Allergy sufferers have different breeds of larger canines from which they can make a selection. The variety is so vast that there is definitely something for everyone. They are all quite big and have that wonderful benefit of having the genetic advantage of having virtually no shed or dander producing factor, which is why they make perfect pets for people who thought their allergic reactions would stand in the way.

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