Top Daily Living Survival Skills You Need Today

By Sarah Young

Running through the day and completing it successfully requires a tactful approach. Your spirit must be ready to face the challenges encountered every hour and emerge top. There are daily living survival skills that will make your existence worthwhile and stress free.

The art of convincing people- a lot of brilliant ideas fade away because people fail to convince resource owners and decision makers to take their side. You need a sweet tongue and storytelling ability so that people can see your point. This is an art that will enable you escape tricky situations without appearing shroud.

The art of saying NO- a lot of people find it difficult and sometimes rude to say no. However, there are situations when you have to say NO. Since this is a difficult answer to take, you need a crafty approach that allows you to decline an offer or request without appearing rude or insensitive. Saying NO ensures that you do not get into situations that you cannot manage.

The ability to listen- there is a difference between listening and hearing. Hearing is a high standard where you understand the spoken and unspoken words. People with listening skills form very strong bonds. They pass as lovable, calm and collected. Once they speak, their words are considered meaningful because they have had time to think them through. You also develop a counter answer that gives you an edge over your opponent.

A great sense of humor- no one hates a laugh or smile from time to time. People will always gravitate towards a person with a good sense of humor. It also helps you to attract positive people and therefore have a similar effect in your life. This is one of the ways to leave a permanent mark in their lives.

Awareness or being conscious of the environment around you- have an update of what is happening at your work place, community, industry, your generation and all other places that you interact with. It helps you prepare for what is coming as well as take advantage of opportunities that arise. You hold exciting conversations even with strangers if you are updated on current affairs.

Self-expression- how well can you translate an idea into words? Do not keep quiet about the ideas on your head and later regret that you were not understood. If you can express yourself well, you will have your way on numerous occasions. You also get favors and opportunities you thought were impossible.

Appearing awkward- do not give a hoot what people think as long as you know your desired path in life. There are decisions you will make without popular support. Be confident about it and move when the time comes. Do not worry about making other people uncomfortable if it makes you happy.

Above all, surviving and living in the world as it is today requires a person who can adapt. There are a lot of changes happening that you cannot survive unless you adapt. You have to learn fast and embrace the new dynamics of life in order to survive.

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