Guidelines For Disability Remodeling Denver CO

By Jeffrey Parker

Construction of modern houses must include features to make homes friendly for people with disability. The goal is to achieve complete independence of disabled people when they are living in a particular place alone. Such houses are widely considered in the market forcing homeowners to adjust their old homes to achieve this consideration. The following are factors to consider in disability remodeling Denver CO.

Assess the needs that your target person has. Most considerations such as target people with motor disabilities. It suits people who intend to use a wheelchair to access different areas of a house. The level of severity can affect the level of remodeling to consider. You can efficiently manage to set a budget if you have the respective needs at hand. You can also source for an expert who can handle the renovation process accordingly.

Start with yard renovations. You need to consider some aspects to renovate your yard. Start by raising the flower beds and consider using climbers to create enough space. The main entrance should have a ramp elevated at approximately one and a half inches. Install handrails and curbs to prevent falling off from the ram or slipping when it is wet. The ramp should have enough width to secure movement of the wheelchair.

Make necessary adjustments of the interior. The living room and hallway should have enough space to move along. Therefore, adjust the size of the doorway to fit the size of a standard wheelchair. Besides that, install a ramp or leave the space completely flat. Consider using a flat staircase to access the top floors. The ramp must have curbs and railings to prevent slipping and falling from the side. You can choose to use a staircase lift if installing the flat ramp seems to be expensive.

Check on renovation measures for the bathrooms. Replacing the bathtubs with showers is one of the most common renovation ideas in bathrooms. The shower doors should have a width that is enough to allow entry of a wheelchair. Add grab bars with standard diameters to help in stability in the bathroom. For the toilets, one should consider installing a riser to avoid the hassle of bending over, sitting and standing.

Make adjustments to your floor. The floor can also affect the movement of a disabled person. Carpets can easily trip someone when moving from one place to the other. Therefore, one should consider installing vinyl floors, hardwoods or ceramic tiles to make it easy to move within the house.

Use other types of furniture. Furniture also plays a significant role in the accessibility of your house. Consider leaving a thirty inches space between your furniture to create enough movement space. You should also raise your sofas to coasters or small wooden blocks. Ensure that they are stable enough to provide support to their users when trying to sit on them.

Change various elements in the kitchen. The kitchen might also need some renovation. Some of the considerations to make include using low utensil racks and positioning different appliances in strategic locations. Change the cooker with a smaller gas cooker that is lower and provide enough movement spaces as well. Besides that, you need to replace the dishwasher with one with low decks for more comfortable use.

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